Our work:

Primary task in the field of scientific and Industry metrology of Laboratory is maintaining the National-standard for length and assuring measurements traceability in Slovenian industry. For this purpose the Laboratory is accredited for length-calibrations  of standards and measuring equipment by Slovenian Accreditation (SA).


Laboratorij za tehnološke meritve (LTM) deluje v okviru slovenskega distribuiranega meroslovnega sistema v koordinaciji Urada za meroslovje RS (MIRS) in je nosilec nacionalnega etalona za veličino dolžina.

Main focus of Scientific-research work of Laboratory is development of metrological applications for practical use in Industry, Science and other branches. We are also performing Service-activities for customers in the field of Industry and Science metrology, as well as Quality System Manual, which also includes Calibrations and Professional education and training.

Since december 2013, in LTM, we use measuring equipment, which was imported inside an EU project "Infrastructure of measuring system - Length"